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Herb Information
Name: Arjuna Myrobalan
Biological Name: Terminalia arjuna, Pentaptera glabra, Pentaptera angustifolia

Combretaceae Family

Other Names: Arjun, Arjuna, Arjuna Myrobalan, 

Arjuna-sadra, Attumarutu, Billimatti, Holematti, Kahu, Kukubha, Maochettu, Maruthu, Nirmaruthu, Rektarjuna,  sadado,Sajadan, Sanmadat, Shardul,  Tella-madoi, Tormatti, Vellai maruda-maram, Vella- marda, Yermaddi

Description: Important Ayurvedic herb from India.

The exact constitution of the bark is under dispute. It is possible that the different results reported by different investigators is because of the differences in the varieties of Arjuna. One investigator reported that the bark contained tannin including glucotannic acid 15%, a coloring matter, a glucosidal body and ash 34% containing sodium, pure calcium carbonates and traces of alkaline chlorides and traces of alkaline chlorides. 

Other researchers reported that they could not find any alkaloid or glucoside in the bark. There was no substance of the nature of an essential oil. It contained unusually, large quantities of calcium salts with small amounts of aluminum and magnesium salts; about 12% of tannins, consisting mainly pyrocatechol tanning; an organic acid with a high melting point and a phytosterol; an organic ester easily-hydrolyzed by mineral acids; some--coloring matters, and sugars, etc. 

The root contains:

bulletcoloring matter 
bulleta body of the nature of a glucoside and 
bulletcarbonates of calcium and sodium and traces of chlorides of alkali metals. 

The total tannin content amounted to 12% and the content of ash to 30% 

Medicinal Applications


alterative, astringent, cardiac stimulant, hemostatic, rejuvenative, tonic and lithontriptic.


The bark is used to heal wounds. It is also used in heart-disease, contusions, and fractures. Juice of leaves used in ear-aches.

Best herb for heart disease (prevents and helps in the recovery of), angina and heals heart tissue scars after surgery.

Also useful for bile, edema, fractures, broken bones, diarrhea, malabsorption, and venereal disease. External treatment for ulcers, acne, skin disorders.

Arjuna bark is used in the form of decoction (1 in 10) in doses of half to one ounce in hemorrhages and other fluxes. also in diarrhea, dysentery and sprue. It is also useful in bilious affections ,and as an antidote to poisons. It is used as a remedy for scorpion-sting.

For Heart Diseases
Arjuna Heart Tonic is a decoction is highly recommended by Ayurveda physicians in heart diseases complicated with endocarditis, mitral regurgitation, pericarditis, angina, etc. It is prescribed for all sorts of conditions of cardiac failure and dropsy. The tonic made from bark is believed to have a stimulant effect on the heart.

For Fractures and Wound Healing
For treatment of haemoptysis 
Combine pulverized Arjuna bark with equal quantity of pulverized red sandalwood, sugar and rice water. Take this internally. 

For ulcers, sores, and skin diseases
Arjuna leaves are used for covering ulcers and sores externally. An ointment prepared with Arjuna bark and honey is useful in acne. 

For spematorrhoea and in gonorrhea
Prepare a decoction from Arjuna bark and white sandalwood. Take this  is for treating spematorrhoea and gonorrhea.

For phthisis
Soak powdered Arjuna bark in the leaf-juice of Adhatoda vasika. Dry. Repeat this process seven times.  Add honey, sugar-candy and cow's ghee. Mix well. Take this for phthisis. It stops the blood in the sputum and clears up the sores and cures them.


No information is available.

Heart disease is a very serious disease. Do not take this herb without the supervision of a qualified professional.

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