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Weight Control
Weight Control
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Fifty-five percent of Americans are overweight, and 20 percent of them are considered obese, meaning that they have a body-mass index (weight to height ratio) of 30 or higher. The prevalence of obesity in the country has increased by about 50 percent in the past decade.
Similar trends have been reported in other developed countries too. Obesity can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
Several studies have shown that you only have to lose a few pounds in order to see immediate, positive results in your cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin levels. At the University of California, Los Angeles, researchers put 11 obese men on a very low-fat, high-fiber diet, with daily 45-to-60- minute walks on treadmills. After three weeks, the men only lost a few pounds, but their cholesterol levels plummeted 19 percent and their insulin levels dropped by nearly 50 percent. Several men who entered the study with high blood pressure left with normal readings.
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What is important is to recognize the problem and
begin a sensible program to control your weight and to stick with it. You will
find lots of tips to accomplish just that in this website.
to a Successful Weight Control Plan
A sensible diet
Diet contains around 1,500 calories a day.
Regular exercise
Exercise regularly, burning around 2,800 calories a week in physical activity, the approximate number consumed by walking briskly for around 45 minutes a day.
Realistic goals
Set realistic goals. Set a goal of losing no more than 10 percent of your body weight. After achieving that, set new goals, another 5 to 10 percent of
your new weight.
Emotional readiness to commit to weight loss
A lifelong commitment to weight control
Having a family or friend that is
sympathetic to your efforts.
To join Holisticonline DietBuddy program
(free) to help with your diet go here.
Guest Articles
A great compilation of information on issues
dealing with dieting, nutrition, weight management etc.
For a complete listing go here.
Book Review:
"The Power of Your Metabolism" Losing Weight the Healthy Natural Way
"The Power of Your Metabolism" isolates the factors that
force so many people to always be dieting while others never gain weight
no matter what they eat. Frank Suárez, author, suggests that the answer lies in
your metabolism. His book shows readers how to use their metabolism to
lose weight, reduce body fat and keep it off.
weight matters... even when it is just a little!
There is some evidence that seems to indicate that it’s not just that
you’re likely to have better blood pressure at a lower body weight, or
that shedding some of the excess body fat can actually improve some of
your blood chemistry.
How to Enjoy the Holidays without the Extra Weight!
It seems like just as soon as those holiday carols
start playing in elevators, our weight starts climbing
up and up.
The light on PCOS, Weight Gain and Diabetes
Women with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
are more likely to have insulin resistance, which
makes them subject to higher rates of diabetes and
heart disease. And most women
with PCOS are overweight.
think they’re slimmer than they are!
Contrary to popular belief, most kids don’t think they’re overweight,
and if they’re off-base about their body weight at all, they think
they’re underweight when they’re nothing of the kind.
Studies show: Fat Causes Inflammation
Recent studies found that fat is actually producing chemicals that
cause inflammation, a key player in several troublesome and dangerous
Weight and Slow
Metabolism: Myth or Reality?
Doctors and other health professionals often hear
their patients complain of a slow metabolism, certain
that they're just not burning calories as efficiently as
other people who eat the same amount.
After the
Glycemic Index, now Meet the Satiety Index
If you had to choose just one food for snacking, based on how long
it would keep you from getting hungry again, what would you choose to
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